Study in Russia

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Study in the Russia

time duration: 2 - 4 years

All programs and course

about Country

The Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion is sit­u­ated in the east­ern part of the Europe and the north­ern part of Asia. The cap­i­tal city of the Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion is Moscow, with an area of 17075.4 sq. km. The pop­u­la­tion of the Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion is 144 mil­lion with a den­sity of 8.7 peo­ple per 1 sq. km. Russ­ian Uni­ver­si­ties occupy the lead­ing posi­tions in the world. Rus­sia has always been ahead in the field of edu­ca­tion and more specif­i­cally med­i­cine, engi­neer­ing and other fields.

Russ­ian degrees are accepted world­wide and very afford­able too.

In most Cases, inter­na­tional stu­dents, who intend to study in Rus­sia, at first, have to study Russ­ian lan­guage for one year (prepara­tory train­ing). But if you want to study med­i­cine, mechan­i­cal engi­neer­ing, infor­ma­tion tech­nol­ogy, elec­tri­cal tech­nol­ogy or man­age­ment in Eng­lish, you do not need spend one year for prepara­tory train­ing in some universities.

Study­ing in Rus­sia gives you the oppor­tu­nity to expe­ri­ence the unique Russ­ian cul­ture, to enjoy Russ­ian hos­pi­tal­ity, and be charmed by Russ­ian nature and, of course, get an edu­ca­tion based on high mod­ern stan­dards and strong aca­d­e­mic traditions.

Gold­enchips Edu­ca­tion helps you to retrieve use­ful infor­ma­tion on the Russ­ian Higher Edu­ca­tion Sys­tem and Insti­tu­tions, and to find a vast vari­ety of Study Pro­grammes to meet your needs.

Please take time to go through all the Uni­ver­si­ties we have for you in Russia.


In accordance with different levels of degree, Chinese universities have different requirements for all enrollees. Before applying, you must carefully review these requirements.

Usually, non-degree language and culture programs have minimum requirements; as long as you have obtained a high school diploma, you can apply for admission.

Chinese-medium degree programs (i.e. degree programs taught in Mandarin Chinese) require the applicant to provide HSK results to prove their Chinese language proficiency. Applicants for master's degrees also need to provide a copy of transcripts and recommendation letters.

English-medium programs do not require HSK results. Instead, applicants for English-medium programs should provide recognized English proficiency tests such as TOEFL or IELTS. (English native speakers or those who hold an academic degree taught in English need not provide test scores).

More and more universities are starting to offer international programs taught in English. These programs will no longer require HSK examination results and are suitable for international applicants. This is a list of requirements for different programs: (Applicants may search for degree programs by degree level according to your personal educational background and the following requirements.)

Note Required HSK Level: For more on HSK/Chinese Proficiency Test, please click here. Each school sets its own requirements.

Normally, a transfer student will not be accepted by any of the Chinese universities.

Please note that GCSE holders are not admitted onto degree programs by China's universities; those students should apply for a one year program of Pre-College training (or International Foudation Year program) at the chosen university.


Vydax can help you easy this process

Russia Student Visa Requirements & Documents

  1. Orig­i­nal let­ter of invi­ta­tion issued by Russ­ian migra­tion ser­vice (We will be respon­si­ble for get­ting you this letter)
  2. Let­ter of admis­sion from Russ­ian Insti­tute /​University/​Acad­emy Com­pleted visa appli­ca­tion form
  3. Valid pass­port together with a clear pho­to­copy of its data page One clear color pass­port size photo with the sur­name of the appli­cant writ­ten on the reverse side.
  4. Gen­eral hearth cer­tifi­cate issued by respon­si­ble authority
  5. Orig­i­nal of HIV/​AIDS test certificate.
  6. School cer­tifi­cate exam­i­na­tion (WAEC NECO) legal­ized by the Russ­ian consulate
  7. Police char­ac­ter certificate
  8. NDLEA cer­tifi­cate of Clarence
  9. Police depor­ta­tion report
  10. Travel insur­ance valid for at least 3 month from the date of its sub­mis­sion to the consulate

Application Proceedures :

Application Proceedure

Admis­sion and Appli­ca­tion Pro­ce­dures for all Russ­ian Universities;

1. You send us a scanned copy of your Inter­na­tional Passport.

2. You send us a scanned copy of your O-​Level Result.

1. You will receive an Offer Let­ter from in a max­i­mum time of 1 week. This will include the fees.

2. For Kursk State Med­ical Uni­ver­sity, Stu­dent then pays the fees into the Schools Inter­me­di­ary com­pany Account. Fees are not paid directly into the school account. The school han­dles all pay­ments through the inter­me­di­ary. All these infor­ma­tion will be stated in the offer letter.

For all other Uni­ver­si­ties, Stu­dents will pay the fees after they receive the visa.

3. Stu­dent receives Russ­ian Migration/​Invitation Let­ter within a period of 8 weeks from the date the pay­ment reflects in the School’s Inter­me­di­ary Account.

4. Stu­dent goes to the Embassy.

How to Apply to Study in Rus­sia

Fill the appli­ca­tion form for study­ing in Rus­sia, from the menu or as indi­cated on the left side of the web­site. More details will be sent to you after the form has been filled.

It is impor­tant to Note that:

Russ­ian State Uni­ver­sity accepts appli­ca­tions from inter­na­tional stu­dents for degree and non-​degree courses in all depart­ments. Inter­na­tional stu­dents may also apply for accom­mo­da­tion in uni­ver­sity dormitories.

Inter­na­tional stu­dents who are already reg­is­tered at a for­eign uni­ver­sity, or who have already grad­u­ated from a for­eign uni­ver­sity, can apply for place­ment on our spe­cial stu­dent non-​degree courses, designed specif­i­cally for inter­na­tional stu­dents seek­ing Russ­ian lan­guage or other sub­ject prac­tice.

The Insti­tute of Inter­na­tional Edu­ca­tion offers a vari­ety of classes cov­er­ing top­ics related to Russ­ian lan­guage, cul­ture, his­tory and society.

  • Some of our partnering schools
  • Kursk State Med­ical University
  • Bel­go­rod State Tech­no­log­i­cal University
  • Moscow Power Engi­neer­ing Institute
  • Russ­ian National Research Med­ical University
  • Ryazan State Med­ical University
  • Tomsk Poly­tech­nic University

Let us inform you about everything important directly.